The Challenge

Our culture is in deep trouble, and at the heart of its trouble is its loss of a vision for authentic manhood. It is becoming increasingly more difficult for us as males to maintain our masculine balance in this gender-neutral' culture. Nonetheless it is our responsibility as men  to supply our present men and the next generation of men with healthy, noble visions of manhood.   

The Vision: 

A intentional training community/network of passionate men who are committed to learning, growing and applying principles to obtain results in every area of life through their leadership. Men who are not perfect but serious about playing the game of life to win with an eternal perspective in mind.


MMTI  exists  as a national training center  to provide intense, strategic and systematic training for men in the 21st. century.  Our focus is to teach, train and release men into their God given purposes to have significant impact in every facet of their lives. After the completion of coursework and graduation, men will have had comprehensive training on the many facets of manhood and thus be able to assume their roles as men, husbands, fathers and leaders in a exemplary fashion in their  communities while becoming excellent models for other men to follow. 

The trumpet has been blown… 

The world is waiting for Mighty Men, can we count on you? 


Michael  Small 
Executive Director 

John Chapter 1

John Chapter 1 is the definition of short but sweet. It gets right to the point and never leaves it. It's filled with basic foundations for us to remember and to live by. For me John Chapter 1 picks up with the 5th verse. We're reminded that God is the light. He is ONLY the light. There is not a shimmer of darkness within Him. We can not claim to walk His path yet walk in the darkness. We're lieing to ourselves because it's not possible to walk in both. However, if we follow in Him and we walk in his path; if we keep fellowship with our fellow man, the blood of the Son will wash away our sin. To talk in his path is to keep fellowship with one another. We must reach out to one another both Christians and non Christians. We're all children under God and those of us walking in his light must continue to reach out and pull as many as we can out of the darkness. Like much of the message that came with Christ, John Chapter 1 wraps up reminding us that no man is void of sin. And if we try to pretend that we are without those transgressions we are but liars. AND if we say that we haven't sinned, we our calling our Lord a liar and His word has no place in our life.  I love the next verse because of one key point. We are told that if we confess our sins to God, he will forgive us and cleanse us of our sins. But there is another part in there that hits home with me. "He is faithful." HE has faith in us. We're constantly focused on having faith in Him. But we forget that He has faith in us. How powerful is that. When we slip up, mess up, live in sin and lose our focus on walking with Him, He has faith that we can right ourselves. He has faith that we can live righteously. The creator of all things, He that is infallible, believes in YOU. How can you ever lose faith in yourself?    

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